Monday, February 22, 2010


Ok, so maybe what I really have been dealing with isn't truly considered a complication, but it is annoying. I am experiencing what I have self diagnosed as "Axillary Web Syndrome". OK, I confess, I'm a little addicted to searching the internet when I have some unknown symptom. I'm not a hypochondriac though and in my defense, I read a lot of different articles, sites and opinions and I'm pretty aware of what are reliable sites, and what aren't (Mayo has an excellent site!). So my conclusions are based on a lot of information. I am also keenly aware that my self diagnosis could probably be wrong, but reading online helps me decide how promptly I should consider contacting my doctor. Which I guess considering I waited eight months to get a breast lump checked out based on the fact that I self diagnosed myself with a breast cyst, should indicate my method is not working all that great! But, I digress....

Anyway, back to Axillary Web Syndrome. I couldn't find a lot on this, but basically found about this syndrome by searching for my symptoms. Essentially, I can't lift my left arm much higher then a 90 degree angle with out feeling extreme pulling and some pain from directly under my arm pit to down below my elbow. I also discovered a few days ago, while trying to do my daily stretches that my arm pit is "webbed". Ok, if you are seven and have a fascination with Spider Man, that may sound cool, but believe you me, it is not cool. I have discovered I have these tight bands that run from under my armpit down my arm that feel like tight fiddle strings when I stretch. They pull the skin from my arm pit out giving me an honest to goodness "webbed" arm pit, which most would agree is neither practical or attractive. This "cording" has greatly compromised the range of motion in my arm, and honestly the stretches I have been doing haven't been helping, and my symptoms have only gotten worse.

There isn't a lot of information out there on this syndrome, but it does look like it is fairly common in situations where lymph node(s) are removed from the under arm area. (You think they would have warned me about it?). From what I can see, it looks like this syndrome usually resolves itself, anywhere from days to years down the road, and there appears to be debate on how to best treat it. Some say specialized physical therapy several times a week is beneficial... some say that having a therapist "snap" or break the cords is beneficial (sounds about as pleasant as bathing a cat)... and some say to do nothing other than normal stretching and it will eventually resolve on its own.

Well, I called my surgeon's team about this symptom (and a couple other minor annoyances I've been experiencing) last week, and I got the impression they consider themselves done with me, and any issues I may be having I need to deal with my plastic surgeon (even though he hasn't really done anything for me other then close up after surgery). We actually have an appointment with my plastic surgeon on Wednesday, so I guess I won't have to wait too long to have my symptom(s) addressed.

Speaking of Wednesday, we will be heading down to Rochester tomorrow(Tuesday) for Wednesday appointments. Our first appointment will be with the plastic surgeon. I'm guessing this appointment will be for discussing how to best work reconstruction back into the treatment schedule. Oh, and to address my impressive "webbed" armpit. :-)

In the afternoon, we will have an appointment with Oncology to discuss the results of additional pathology they have done on my cancer since surgery and to set up a treatment plan. I haven't decided if I'm excited or nervous for this appointment. Maybe a bit of both? Excited to get the next phase started and nervous to actually open the "Chemo" chapter of this journey.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say that you made me laugh when it isn't a laughing situation. Your strength and resiliance is amazing as humans seem to be. You are in my thoughts and prayers, even though I don't know you. I realize that this will be on-going for some time, however, You are strong and therefore I know you will come out even stronger:) GOD definately has plans for you:)
