Friday, October 29, 2010

October Update

Things are going relatively smoothly here, which is good. We seem to be adjusted to fall routines and all that entails. The kids are closing in on the end of their first quarter at school and we all have enjoyed our beautiful fall weather here.

On the medical front, not much has changed, which is also good. I go for herceptin treatment every three weeks, see my oncologist's nurse practitioner once a month and have my tissue expanders expanded every so often. So I am averaging about four doctors appointments a month, which is doable. Family and friends continue to selflessly step up and so willingly take care of the two little ones while I have doctor appointments and that is so appreciated! I know that taking care of an almost 2 year old who throws a good fit every time I leave her somewhere and is hitting that age where tantrums come at the drop of a hat, and a very energetic 3 year old boy is not easy. But I am thankful that my kids get time away from me to socialize with other children and other adults. It is a little sad that anytime we take the two little ones somewhere they assume that "Mommy has to go see the doctor." and they are perplexed when another member of the family has a doctor appointment, because in the reference of their memory, I am the only one that has doctor appointments.

A little more tangible medical news I have received lately is my last Muga scan (done in early October) came back with excellent results. My heart function is remaining stable while I'm on a drug (herceptin) which can be very damaging to the heart. I have also deduced that herceptin apparently takes a toll on my skin, as well. The last few weeks I have been dealing with a very interesting skin rash that appears to be related to my herceptin treatments. Within a few hours after treatment, my body looks like I've got a case of the chicken pox. The rash doesn't itch or bother me in any way, it just looks really nasty and takes anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to resolve itself. The nurse practitioner's advice is to monitor this rash situation and since the rash itself does not cause any bothersome effects, continue on my herceptin schedule as planned, which makes total sense to me.

I have also been experiencing some vision issues since chemotherapy has stopped. My vision is more blurry, so the nurse practitioner advised I get my eyes checked, as the chemotherapy drugs and steroids I was on have been know to effect vision. Sure enough, I got my eyes checked, and I need glasses. I wasn't specifically told this change is due to my treatments but I was told that it is very possible treatments changed my eyes and there is the possibility that my eyes could get better the further out from treatment I get, but for now I need glasses.

Nobody told me that once you hit your 30s, everything falls apart... If I'd know that I would have had more fun in my 20s ;-). Fake boobs, glasses, very little hair, and a polka dot rash... I told my husband I'd might as well go in and get fit for my dentures next. :-) He accused me of being somewhat dramatic... ha ha. I think he may have been right. :-) Again, a little humor goes a long way.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers as the journey continues. I have been blessed, am blessed and will be blessed, and I challenge you to believe the same about your situation.