Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Breast Cancer Does Effect Women of ALL Ages

Us younger women are lulled into what I would say is a false sense of security when it comes to breast cancer. (Mistake #1) If we don't even have to consider getting a mammogram until we are 40 years old, the odds of getting breast cancer must be extremely small when you are younger then 40. And yes, that is true, the odd are very small, but you still have the possibility. And if you are like me, your odds of getting breast cancer are 100%, and really those are the odds that truly matter... your own personal odds.

One of our main tools for detecting the early stages of breast cancer as young women is the monthly self breast exams, but in all seriousness, how many of us actually do it monthly? I never did. (Mistake #2) I was the check in the shower if I had a spare minute every once in a great while kind of girl. Thankfully, I believe I did find my lump right away because I happened to find a spare minute in the shower when my youngest baby was about 4 months old. But then I made another mistake. (Mistake #3) Instead of running straight to the doctor, I decided that there was no way I could have breast cancer because I was too young, the Internet said my symptoms were not like breast cancer, and frankly, I was way too busy to deal with cancer. I should have just drawn a large, bright red "D" (in the most fashionable shade of lipstick, of course) on my forehead to stand for "Dumb" or "Denial" or both. But beating oneself up does no good, so I will stop.

What I'm not going to stop is trying to get the word out to other young women that A) younger women can and do get breast cancer. And when a younger woman gets breast cancer the odds are that cancer is more aggressive and nasty and is going to try harder to kill us then our counterparts breast cancer. As far as I know, doctors don't really know for sure why this is but younger women's breast cancer is nastier. Which leads me to B) DO YOUR MONTHLY SELF BREAST EXAM. And do it religiously. If you don't know how to do a breast exam, ask your doctor. They should show you how and/or give you literature to explain it to you. This is your most powerful tool in detecting cancer early, so use it ladies! And C) if you find a lump, don't run to the computer and research it on WebMD or Mayo Clinic's website, or any other site. My symptoms all pointed to the facts (obtained via online research) that I didn't have breast cancer, but I did! Instead, spend your time much more wisely, and make an appointment with your doctor who has the knowledge to help you figure out if you should or shouldn't worry about your breast lump. Learn from all my mistakes!

I also want to impress on you younger ladies that there are some doctors out there that may blow you off because you are so young. From my understanding, the only real way to confirm whether a lump is cancerous or not is a biopsy. Mammograms and Ultrasounds can tell doctors if there is reason to do a biopsy. But I have yet to hear of or meet a doctor who can tell just by feeling a lump in the breast if it is cancerous or not. So insist on further testing until you are satisfied that cancer has been diagnostically ruled out. You may have to push your doctor a little or a lot, or even go see a different doctor (or ask for a referral to a breast center) until you feel the doctor is concerned enough to prove to you thru medical testing that you shouldn't be concerned.